Friday, August 3, 2012

That little savings jar of mine

It’s the last day of the month and you know what that means… it’s time to empty my coin jar! I actually have two jars, one on the kitchen counter and one in my bedroom. The one in the bedroom doesn’t get much action because I am pretty good about emptying my pockets the moment I get home.

You see several years ago I was interested in knowing just how much coin I accumulated in any given month. The best way I found was a jar on my kitchen counter. It says “golf money" on it but to be honest I am really bad at golf and have yet to use any of that saved money for that purpose. I just hate to waste it! Maybe that’s my problem I don’t play enough…

Anyway what began as a whim has turned into almost an obsession. Let’s just say I am very “diligent” in collecting every last penny I have.

I have to tell you those coins add up!  I usually bring the coins to the Northampton branch and use the coin machine in the lobby. It’s a great gizmo, takes about a minute, and I get a receipt to take to the teller line to make my deposit. Best part is there is no fee for using the service. Last month I had $33.07 in coin!  That’s just one month’s worth of just emptying my pockets, which is about average for me.  So far this year my highest month was $46.33 and the lowest month was $20.75. So far for the first six months of the year I collected $201.05!

So now I get to see how I did in July…its looks like we will be a good month from what I can see, but the coin machine will give me the official count. I can’t wait to find out.  If the second half of the year is as good as the first I could break $400 for the whole year and maybe even $500!  See what I mean when I said almost an obsession….but hey it works for me.  There are other ways to save money that you wouldn’t normally think of, check some of them out here.

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